Friday, December 28, 2012

Auf Wiedersehen

As we wind down 2012 at the Whiskey Forge, the usual New Year chores take on a tinge of urgency. I'm spending much of the next month in the air and on the road, so this week I'm starting early on the quiet tasks I usually reserve for the beginning of every year — donating old clothes to charity, packing up Christmas ornaments, purging the fridge of faded syrups and questionable tinctures, cleaning out the larder, weeding the library, sharpening every knife and blade, and all the dozens of little things that keep this place humming.

And then I'll leave.

House sitters will feed the animals and mind the booze, but this is my last post for a while. I'm not saying goodbye; simply "until we see each other again." The next stretch of travel will take me far from the comforts of my own bed, but I'll return with tales of Scottish still-building, liquors and liqueurs, an old French distillers' trick, a bunch of books you should track down, and recipes to see you through the rest of Winter's harsh embrace.


Waes hael, auf Wiedersehen, tot ziens, tschüss, ciao, adieu, adios, and — in the words of the immortal Ice King — peace out.


  1. I'm looking forward to hearing about these adventures abroad.

    Happy New Year!

  2. There shall be zip lines, sip lines, volcanoes, and rum. Not at all sure how much of it will be printable, but even if I have to change names to protect culpable parties, there ought be to something to be said about it once I'm settled back home.

    Cheers, Randall ~ and happy New Year.

  3. Safe and awe inspiring travels Mr. Rowley! I can't wait to hear all about it, aliases notwithstanding.
